A&U Dental

Group News

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This month, our nursing staff of Avenue Dental Surgery visited Lyndhurst Care home in Wigan. This was an opportunity to have a chat over tea and cake! The nurses had an enjoyable time discussing hobbies and life experiences and are hoping to visit again soon.

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Treatment - A&U Dental

General Dentistry

Offering our patients a calming and relaxing dental experience.

Treatment - A&U Dental

Cosmetic Dentistry

Discreet cosmetic dental treatments.

Treatment - A&U Dental


A straight smile to be proud of.

Treatment - A&U Dental

Dental Implants

Chew with efficiency and smile with confidence.

Treatment - A&U Dental

Facial Aesthetics

Enhancing your appearance – naturally.

S m i ) e... it's a Vibe!