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Looking to achieve that Hollywood smile? We can help.

With porcelain veneers, you can have more uniform, whiter teeth that are both gentle and secure over your natural teeth.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are a thin covering that is applied to the front of your natural teeth to create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Veneers are helpful if you wish your teeth to appear straighter or look to change your natural teeth’ shade.

What are Veneers made from?

Usually, dental veneers are made of porcelain. Still, they can also be made of dental composite materials, which have unique characteristics of their own.

Porcelain is hard-wearing and non-porous, meaning that it is strong and does not stain easily.

Composite is slightly more porous but has a similar opacity to enamel, meaning that although it may tarnish over time, it can be a more natural-looking finish.

Can you remove Veneers?

The composite veneer procedure is minimally invasive. It is possible to remove composite material, restoring the tooth back to its original form. It’s an excellent option for people who want to enhance the appearance of their teeth without having to change their permanent shape or size.

With porcelain once the teeth have been reshaped and filed down, porcelain veneers cannot be removed. Only when new veneers are being fitted should porcelain veneers be removed.

If you’re thinking of enhancing your smile aesthetics, speak to your dentist, and they will happily go through all of the various solutions for you to achieve your dream smile!

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